With Kambo, Your Mind, Body and Soul

Awaken the endless potential and possibilities that our incredible human body has to offer. We are presently only aware of a fraction of the potential that exists within us and we are only beginning to comprehend what we are truly capable of. As our civilisation and understanding of this Earth and the Universe expands, so we slowly unlock the hidden possibilities that the human system is designed for. To Awaken is to evolve and to unlock these potentials, to heal, to grow, to create and to expand exponentially. At Awaken we dream big and our belief in believing in the impossible, unlocks doors and windows, allowing in the light and information that transcends our wildest imaginations and leads us to the path of extraordinary evolution. We strive to integrate cutting edge natural products and modalities into the very essence of our offering. It is our pleasure to invite you to explore your limitless potential. We infuse all our products and treatments with love, passion and dedication. We look forward to share our products, treatments and creations with you.

The central pillar of our creation is to serve the beautiful healing modality of Kambo. It is the essence and foundation of our work. Kambo embodies and manifests deep healing and detoxification within the body, mind and soul. We offer individual Kambo treatments in the Cape Town area. We also offer Kambo retreats and workshops anywhere in Southern Africa, we are more than willing to arrange special group treatments upon request. Transform and heal with the courageous and powerful energy of the Kambo spirit!

Integral to our philosophy of detoxification and healing, we offer carefully structured food, juicing and fasting detoxes. We combine these detoxes with powerful and natural parasite removal detoxes, utilising an array of meticulously sourced parasite modalities.

We look forward to welcoming you and to assist you to create a personalised healing retreat.

Kambo brings incredible healing into one’s life.

I have been attending regular Kambo ceremonies for nearly two years and I have slowly but surely felt the healing effects of Kambo within my body. I myself have never had any chronic or debilitating diseases and I sought out Kambo to see if it would generally improve my health and well-being. Kambo is a very powerful detox and it removes toxins from our cells, our lymph, our blood, our organs and from pituitary gland in the brain. The most noticeable effect that Kambo has had on me, is that my immune system appears to be much stronger. I have now gone through two winters, without catching a flu, not even a common cold.

The immediate effects of this detox is very noticeable. After the purge and the removal of the toxins during the ceremony, as I continue with normal life, my energy levels are much higher, my mind is crystal clear, my mood is a lot more positive, and my memory is sharp. I sleep more deeply and longer, and I have increased endurance and stamina. Kambo has greatly reduced my cravings and addictions. I always drank moderate amounts of alcohol and since taking Kambo, my craving for alcohol diminished to the point where I hardly even drink alcohol anymore. My cravings for sugar, sweet and junk foods, has also been drastically reduced. I have noticed significant and positive changes in my overall health and wellness. If I cut myself my wounds heal faster, my hair and nails grow much quicker and I don’t really get sick anymore; if I do, the recovery is very fast. I have noticed that I also build more muscle mass when I exercise.

Kambo has had some profound effects on my body. I feel that Kambo balances my autonomic nervous system and helps to stabilise my mood. It places me in a powerful emotional state and I experience an enhanced emotional condition. My libido has been greatly enhanced. I sleep deeply and longer. I believe that Kambo provides a super emotional boost for my emotional state and wellbeing. Kambo has a profound detoxification and healing capacity in the physical body; but it also has profound healing effects at a deep emotional and spiritual level, as well. It teaches how to recognise patterns and set boundaries, and also assists in greatly expanding the possibility of the mind.

After taking Kambo, my perception, pattern recognition and cognitive abilities are greatly enhanced. I approach my life in a very balanced and calm manner. I notice personal patterns and behaviours that no longer serve me, my perception and intuition is heightened and my decision-making abilities are much more definitive and refined. I manage to attain a flow state for a much longer period of time and I am more focussed and in tune with the environment. I remain more in the moment and I worry and stress less about insignificant issues and I have a greatly improved sense of awareness.

Kambo is a powerful medicine and a tool that has brought me much healing and has significantly and forever changed my life. My one wish is that I had found this medicine earlier in my life, but I feel the powerful regenerative effects of this medicine working within me and for me, it is like turning back the clock. I believe that Kambo has assisted me immeasurably with my general health and well-being and I recommend this incredible natural medicine to as many people as I can. This natural medicine is an incredible gift and treasure to humanity.

I highly recommend that you contact Kambo Awaken and explore the healing properties of Kambo and to tap into their extensive knowledge of healing, utilising the powerful healing properties of Kambo.


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